Andrew Zwicker
Andrew Zwicker is a scientist and educator at Princeton University’s Plasma Physics Laboratory. As your Senator, Andrew works to find sensible solutions to improve our quality of life today and for future generations. He uses evidence to author legislation that creates high-quality jobs, fosters innovation, and protects our environment. He and his wife Barbara, an elementary school educator, live in Kingston where they raised three children.

Andrew Zwicker took an unconventional path to the New Jersey Legislature. “I decided to live in both the world of science and the world of politics,” he says. “It’s time for the rise of the scientist in public office and for scientific thinking to permeate all public policy. By that I mean using evidence to make decisions.”
In 2015, Zwicker beat an incumbent by just 78 votes out of 34,000 cast to win a seat in the state Assembly. He was re-elected twice to the General Assembly by growing margins and then to the NJ Senate in 2021. The 16th District, which covers parts of four counties; Somerset, Hunterdon, Mercer, and Middlesex. He was the first Democrat to ever win in the 16th District.
Andrew focuses on creating jobs through investing in innovation, combating the climate crisis and restoring trust in democracy through structural, election-related reforms.
Issue-driven and hard to label, Andrew Zwicker brings a fresh outlook to everyday problems. With his background in science and higher education he brings a fact based pragmatism to the legislature.
Fighting for the People of New Jersey
Election Reform
Battling Climate Change
Investing in an Innovation Economy
Supporting Working Families
Internet Privacy
Women’s Health
Fiscal Responsibility
Science Education
Civil Rights
Legislative Hits
- Permitting early voting in NJ
- Student loan debt reduction for choosing STEM careers
- Requiring state to consider impact of climate change over next 20 years instead of 100
- Guaranteed insurance coverage for contraception
- Ban on “bots” to promote candidates for office online
- Thwarting gerrymandering through access to data needed to draw legislative districts
- Permitting early voting in NJ
- Student loan debt reduction for choosing STEM careers
- Requiring state to consider impact of climate change over next 20 years instead of 100
- Guaranteed insurance coverage for contraception
- Ban on “bots” to promote candidates for office online
- Thwarting gerrymandering through access to data needed to draw legislative districts