Assemblyman Freiman Passes Resolution to Protect Reproductive Freedom

May 26, 2023

Assemblyman Freiman Passes Resolution to Protect Reproductive Freedom

LD16 Republicans side with extremist Michael Pappas and his radical views on a woman’s right to choose.

Hillsborough, NJ – Yesterday, Assemblyman Roy Freiman passed resolution AR190 which urges the United States Supreme Court to “protect freedom of reproductive choice with respect to use of and access to mifepristone,” a long-used safe and effective pill critical to the safety of pregnant women in cases relating to rape, incest, and miscarriages. 

“I am proud to stand with my colleagues in the State Assembly and have fought to pass this critical resolution to elevate the matter of the mifepristone pill to the United States Supreme Court, and to urge the Chief Justice to rule to protect women’s access to reproductive choice,” said Assemblyman Roy Freiman. “We must oppose extreme Republicans across this state – including those running against us in my own legislative district like Michael Pappas and his running mates – while they try to take us back fifty years when women did not have the right to contraceptives and reproductive healthcare.”

While Senator Andrew Zwicker, Assemblyman Roy Freiman, and Assembly Candidate Mitchelle Drulis are fighting to protect women’s reproductive rights, their Republican opponents Ross Traphagen and Grace Zhang are standing with Republican extremists – including Michael Pappas. Since his time in Congress, Pappas’s views on reproductive choice have not changed at all. While New Jerseyans have consistently shown they favor protecting a woman’s right to choose, Pappas continues to show New Jersey just how extreme he is on this issue, and his running-mates are with him every step of the way.

LD16 Democrats are proud to stand for reproductive freedoms, and to continuously support a woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions.

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